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From Shelters to Village-settlements

Evolution of Mankind

Homo Neanderthal Man

One more stage of development in human evolution is  Homo Neanderthaensis. He was physically big and strong. He is commonly known as the Neanderthal  Man because his remains were first found at Neanderthal, a place in Germany. His brain was more developed than that of Homo erectus. The Neanderthals primarily lived in caves. They made tools out of big pebbles as well as from the flakes scraped off from them. Such a tool was fixed on a bone or wooden shaft to make weapons like the spear, ax, etc. The Neanderthals hunted big animals. They used scrapers made from stone flakes to scrape meat from the hide of a dead animal. They used leather clothing. They were mainly meat eaters. They ate meat roasted on the fire.  They knew the art of making fire by rubbing sticks of hardwood on each other or by striking one Flintstone on another to obtain sparks. It is likely that Neanderthals had developed some skills.





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