MUMBAI: Lottery will be removed from the house for 1384 houses of the Maharashtra Housing and Area Development Authority (MHADA) at 10 a.m. on 16-12-18 i.e. Sunday. For this, preparations for extracting the lottery have been completed in Bandra East housing building. This lottery will be broadcast live on MHADA website. This can see the Mumbai-based Lucky Draw sitting at home.
MHADA lottery 2018 result winners
According to MHADA, a total of 1 lakh 64 thousand 458 applications have been found valid for all sections of the household, while 4 applications have been found to be illegal. Their names and reasons have been released on the authorization website – Final Rejected List Mumbai Lottery 2018.
The full list of MHADA lottery 2018 result winners has been published online. The list is available at Click on the option ‘View’ mentioned next to the names of the schemes under the MHADA lottery draw to check on the name of the winner.
If you have Registered with MHADA Lottery so you can login and Check Your Draw Status.
Refund Date :
According to MHADA Official Website Money Refund Date is 18-12-18. Those who Registered with MHADA and have paid amount according to their shemes they will get money back.